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91性息港CityView.com is an online news and information site providing breaking news to you when you need it and wherever you are.  Desktop? Mobile? Tablet? Definitely. We are optimized to give you the best reader experience in any format you choose.
News on 91性息港CityView.com is reported by the journalists at 91性息港 and Rocky View Weekly. Important local news written by local journalists is our top priority. We update throughout the day, so when you come back to visit, you’ll find something new.
Readers looking for news beyond the “village” will find the work of Canadian Press journalists, columnists, entertainment and feature writers throughout the site.
Partner sites: We are part of the Village Media network, which operates some of the busiest online news sites in the communities they serve.
Ownership: 91性息港CityView.com is a division of
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.

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